Prosjekt ISO-standard

I mars 2018 ble søknaden godkjent av den tyske standard-komiteen og videresendt som følgende forslag til den ansvarlige ISO-komiteen.

I september 2018, under IKDs ( Executive Meeting i Istanbul, anbefalte IKD at våre tyske kolleger arkiverte en søknad om å utvikle en ISO -standard.

ISO-komiteen skal stemme om dette forslaget den 27.11.2018.

Prosjektet ble startet av Zentralstellefür die AusbildungimDetektivgewerbe (ZAD), en anerkjent og sertifisert utdanningsleverandør for private etterforskere, som regulerer de tyske foreningene BID / BDD, de østerrikske foreningene OEDV / EURODET, og den sveitsiske sammenslutningen FSPD og IKD.

For mer informasjon vises det til vedlegget som er vedlagt.

ISO_representative_template v2

Misbruk av IKD logo

Dear colleague,

Some of you may not be aware of a recent issue concerning the breach of IKD intellectual property rights. On 10-13 October 2018 a non-IKD organisation based in Turkey held a conference at which the IKD logo was displayed and used on its attendance certificates. The breach was compounded by photographs with the offending displays being made available on social media. Other misrepresentations were made, which I need not trouble you with.

The organiser of that event has been written to and a reasonable explanation provided with an apology and assurance the breaches will not be repeated.

You may care to disseminate the above among your organisations’ membership as a signal that the IKD guards its image and reputation closely and we do not tolerate blatant abuses.

Tony Imossi
Secretary General

George Hirtl
Vice Secretary General

IKD Statutes 2004

Dear IKD-Delegates, dear colleagues,

Regarding my survey for possible updates of the IKD statutes; one of our colleagues asked me for the text of the IKD statutes. You can find the text on the IKD website. Nevertheless, I send it again in attachment.

I have already received first reactions. Please do not forget the deadline, November 30, 2018. It would be very helpful if everyone sends me an answer, even if no changes are considered necessary.

Considering that the text of our current version of statute dates back to the year 2004. Since then a lot has changed, internationally as well as in the member countries. The perception of our organization has increased: let’s think of the invitation of the Hungarian Minister of the Interior to Tony to exchange views on our industry. It’s just one for the examples.
